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英文爱情故事精选:相忘于江湖 篇1

A girl and a boy were on a motorcycle, speeding through the night.

they loved each other a lot.

girl:" Slow down a little.。 I'm scared.。"

boy: "no, it's so fun.。"

girl: "please.。. it's so scary.。"

boy: "then say that you love me.。"

girl: "fine.。i love you.。can you slow down now?"

boy: "give me a big hug.。"

the girl gave him a big hug.

girl: "now can you slow down?"

boy: "can you take off my helmet and put it on? it's uncomfortable and? It's bothering me while i drive."

the next day, there was a story in the newspaper. a motorcycle had crashed into a building because its brakes were broken.

there were two people on the motorcycle, of which one died, and the other had survived.。.

the guy knew that the brakes were broken. he didn\'t want to let the girl know, because he knew that the girl would have gotten scared.

instead, he was told the last time that she loved him, got a hug from her,put his helmet on her so that she can live, and die himself.。.

once in awhile, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale.。.











男 孩:“你可以脱下我的头盔并自己戴上吗?它让我感到不舒服,还干扰我驾车。” 第二天,报纸报道:一辆摩托车因为刹车失灵而撞毁在一幢建筑物上





简短英文爱情故事:礼轻情深 篇2

A story is told about,a young married couple whose names are Jim and Dclla. They are poor but very much in love with each other.

As Christmas approaches, Della wonder what to get Jim for C'hristmas. She would like to give him a watch chain fur his gold watch. but ;he doean't have a enough money. Then she gets an idea.She has beautiful long hair. So Della decide, to cut off her hair and sell it buy the fancy chain for Jim's watch.

On Christmas Eve she return s home, and in her hand is beautiful bos containing a gold watch chain which she purchased bys elling her hair. Suddenly Della begins to worry. She knows Jim admired her long hair, and she wonders if he will be disappointed that she cut it ott and sold it.

Della climbs the final flight of stairs leading to their tiny apartment. She unlocks the door and is surprised to find Jim home and waiting for her. In his hand is a neatly wrapped box containing the gift he purchased for her.

When Della removes her scarf, Jim sees Della's short hair, and tears well up in his eyes. But she says nothing. He chokes back the tears and gives Della the gift box.

When Della opens it, she can't believe her eyes. There in the box is a set of beautiful silver combs for her long hair.

And when Jim opens his gift, he, too, is astonished. There inside the box is a beautiful gold chain for his gold pocket watch. Only then does Della realize that Jim pawned his gold watch to buy her the silver hair combs.

Far more beautiful than the gifts is the love they symbolize.

英语爱情故事:相忘于江湖 篇3

A girl and a boy were on a motorcycle, speeding through the night.

they loved each other a lot.

girl:" Slow down a little.。 I'm scared.。"

boy: "no, it's so fun.。"

girl: "please.。. it's so scary.。"

boy: "then say that you love me.。"

girl: "fine.。i love you.。can you slow down now?"

boy: "give me a big hug.。"

the girl gave him a big hug.

girl: "now can you slow down?"

boy: "can you take off my helmet and put it on? it's uncomfortable and? It's bothering me while i drive."

the next day, there was a story in the newspaper. a motorcycle had crashed into a building because its brakes were broken.

there were two people on the motorcycle, of which one died, and the other had survived.。.

the guy knew that the brakes were broken. he didn't want to let the girl know, because he knew that the girl would have gotten scared.

instead, he was told the last time that she loved him, got a hug from her,put his helmet on her so that she can live, and die himself.。.

once in awhile, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale.。.











男 孩:“你可以脱下我的头盔并自己戴上吗?它让我感到不舒服,还干扰我驾车。” 第二天,报纸报道:一辆摩托车因为刹车失灵而撞毁在一幢建筑物上。






I think of the another story, an old couple. A wife who has a fatal illness will soon be born, and the doctor needs to tell the patient that she has only three months. The young doctor did not have the heart to tell the old lady directly, so he told the old man first. The old man listened and said, "can you not tell my wife?" She has a little courage, and I'm afraid she knows that she will be afraid later. I also want to take her to Venice, which is said to be hand in hand under the sigh bridge, and the next life will be together. "

The doctor agreed. After the doctor knew it, he told him that it was the doctor's duty to inform the patient. So the young doctor had to tell the old lady the condition. The old lady was unexpectedly the calm, and she said, "you shouldn't tell my husband about this yet?" I beg you not to do that. I'm sorry that I've gone. We're going to go to Venice. It is said that under the sigh bridge hand in hand, the next life will be together.。. "

Love is to find that you are in love with the stupidest man in the world. When you really fall in love with a person, do you often feel this way? He is all thumbs. He can't take good care of himself. He doesn't have any self-care ability at all. Well, what does he do without you.。. For my lover, the one hand you expect him to take charge as chief of, mature, can let the love of your life, on the other hand, you also slightly worried about spoiling his dirty clothes, forgot something, enough to eat, sleep well. It's like expecting him to be forty years old and take care of him as a three year old.

Yi Shu said to love a person, he is the most stupid you feel to be everywhere, people worry about care, and to love people, often think he did not have to worry about us to be clever and sensible. It was like knowing the little prince of love, and finally knowing how stupid it was to stop being eaten by a tiger with only four prickly roses.

Even if a tiger doesn't eat roses at all, even if there are no tigers at all, the little prince who finds himself in love with that unique rose is full of thoughts: she has only four thorns.






英文爱情故事精选:爱,能持续多久 篇4

My aunt died back in about 2003. She was eighty-four and so was my uncle. When she passed he was devastated. They had been married for over 60 years. We expected him to pass on quickly after she died. He attended his church more frequently and his mourning was nearly unbearable to witness. His only daughter lived clear across the country so he had only the rest of the extended family and church family to comfort him.

My cousin talked him into selling the house that he and my aunt had built together about twenty-five years before. It was very hard to part with the home they built together. He was going to move into an apartment, but at the last moment, my cousin and he saw a new house for sale, that was close to his business. She helped him buy furniture and a flat screen television. He had not watched television for years because of his religion. He was like a kid with a new toy but still grieved horribly for my aunt.

One day he called my cousin who was living in Texas and told her that he reconnected with a lady from a church that he and my aunt went to forty years previously. She played piano and his church was looking for new music. Her husband had died about seven years previously. He said he just wanted someone to go out to dinner with and spend time with. We were happy for them but had no idea how it would turn out. They were both almost eighty-seven years old.

They were like lovebirds and spent as much time together as they could. They both had one child each, she a son, he a daughter. She had a house that her father built for her when she got married to her first husband. She was content there.

The other fly in the ointment was that they were both very busy people. They both still worked! They were in their mid-eighties and both had their own family businesses. She worked for her son who took over the family business and he had his own business. The clash in their relationship came when they neither wanted to leave their respective churches. She went to her Baptist church that she had attended for many years and he went to his, which was a Pentecostal. They decided to remain friends but nothing more. He was broken-hearted, but felt that his religion was the only way. She didn’t want to leave her church and didn’t like the extreme of his.

Before too long they realized that they did not want to be apart. They would find a new church together. They planned to marry. When he took her to a jewelry store and bought her a diamond, the employees were so impressed that they had a big write up in our own local paper, "'The Truth' for Valentines' Day." They prepared for their wedding. They moved the wedding date up because neither wanted to wait any longer to "be together," and it was not proper to "be together" without being married.

They got married in her house, where they decided they would live. It was such a beautiful refreshing thing to see, two people who you would have thought had pretty much lived their lives, were beginning a new one together. I have never seen my uncle happier. He is still in love and she loves him as much as he loves her.









英文爱情故事精选:一枝枯竭的玫瑰花 篇5

QQ a friend sent this to me a little short, look after the deeply about. Sometimes love really helpless, when you miss, and perhaps will not come back to your side. The opportunity comes, if we failed to grasp that fleeting. I love being warned to men and women, falls in love with a person, say so bold, and show your sincerity, do not hesitate and a loss, the result is not important, otherwise you will regret in life.

A 18-year-old boy from the falling in love with a girl. They are next, but it is not a class, the boys would like, and so on the university he will tell the truth, because the boys like girls laugh flowery face, like her voice pure and thin Dan Fengyan, he felt that the girl should be on his He would like to, and so it no longer.

At the same time, they admitted to the University. To his beloved girl, he chose the same university, and he could have been a better school. After the girls to go to college to start a colorful campus life, every day that this society organizations, boys see girls wanted to live so happy, and so it. He still did not say.

The sophomore Valentine's Day, he finally summon the courage to tell the truth, found that girls have a window of a red rose, he did not even have hidden in a jacket of red roses to come out. Girls ask you something? He stammered, no, no, I just want to open your hometown would be. Girls disappointed to see him, and then it sticks to the Red Rose poured the water, said the squad was sent to the same class.

After graduating from the marriage of girls, but boys have not love, he just follow all the way back to the girls of their small town, he would have a chance to stay in the city, for their love of the girl identified him.

He did not say that no one's own aspiration of the people he introduced to the target, he always refused to smile, people thought he was too much too critical condition, so few people and then gradually to control him, he Always look at a person to listen to music, but also do not know how long to observe the feelings. Once students drink more than a gathering of all, it was open they were a joke, did not say how near he was a month, he smiled, and nothing has been said that the girl was excessive drinking, watching his eyes: they see I do not. Distracted him there, do not think that sticks out of red roses at this time, he has become the heart Cinnabar mole general and let him feel bad. He had wanted to tell her of his love, but he would like, too late, really late, he did not know the girl changes have taken place in the marriage, she was divorced to do.

Wait until marriage for girls from the end, he would like to finally say, because the girl he loves ah, he did not understand how they missed it, God would have given him the opportunity to have a good period of their marriage, but why is it here Give him a conclusion?

Unfortunately, this is not the end, when he was about to declare a time when he was found to have cancer, he did not have the heart to allow girls to share his pain, so he still did not say. He wanted to let him take the secret to life until the end of it.

Girls look at him, and declare that he can take care of, he said with a smile, I disdain you, I look at you to declare a long time ago, why wait until now? Self-esteem of girls affected by the injury, not from his point of view. Sometimes, he would in a bed in a daze, looking out the window of the leaves gradually falling, he would like his love like this in the autumn leaves, is a fall to the brain, finally buried in the ground and become An exquisite heart, but who do not know how he loved the ah!






他对任何人都没有说过自己的心愿,别人为他介绍对象,他总是笑着拒绝,人们都以为他条件太高了太挑剔了,所以渐渐地很少有人再管他的事,他也总是一个人听听音乐看看书,不知道还要把这份感情守多久。有一次同学聚会大家都喝多了,有人开他们俩玩笑,说他近水楼台怎么没得着月,他笑着,什么也没有说,倒是女孩喝多了酒,看着他的眼说:人家看不上我。他愣在那里,想起没有拿出来的那枝红玫瑰,此时已变成了他心底的朱砂痣一般,让他心疼。他本来想告诉她他的爱,可是他想,太晚了,真的太晚了,他不知道女孩的婚姻已发生了变故,她正在办离婚。 等到女孩离完了婚,他想终于可以说了,因为女孩也爱他啊,他不明白他们怎么就错过了呢,本来上天给过他机会,给过他们一段好姻缘,可是为什么偏偏到这里才给他一个结局?



英语爱情故事:爱德华 篇6

In 1970, two years before his death, Edward said:

There are some people who think that I was wrongto give away my crown. But they don't understandtrue love.

When I was young,I lived in Buckingham Palace. Icould have anything that I wanted. But I wasn'thappy be-cause my heart was empty.

Then I met Wallis and everything changed. For half of my life I have lived here with the mostbeautiful woman in the world. And she is everything to me.

When I sit in my garden with the Duchess by my side, I sometimes think about my early life. Iremember the days alone in my bedroom. I remember the teacher who hit me with a stick. Iremember the war and my travels around the world. And then I remember the crowds of peoplebelow my window,who shouted: "Long live love!"

On my last night in London I spoke with Winston Churchill. In the middle of our conversationhe said: "I think, Sir, that the best things in life are free." I have nev-er forgotten those words. And now, many years later, I un-derstand what they mean. You cannot buy happiness. And youcannot buy love.

To be happy deep inside your heart is the most wonderful thing in the world. I have been alucky man. And so I say:

"Thank God for Wallis,and LONG LIVE LOVE!"









简短英文爱情故事:永恒意味着放手 篇7

It was two years ago when I first met him. At that time, he was a roamer who had、 just come to this city, single and had no thought of settling down. I still remember that he used to describe himself as a lost child drifting in the world, seeking things to till his heart, he could never stop, for he would lose his way, then die in silence.

It was like a crystal, though, our relationship, beautiful. pure but fragile. Sometimes we just like old friends. talking and laughing. But I knew that, there is always a separate yvorld in which only he exists, and he never let other people in.

"True relationship takes work," I told myself time and time again. I could wait, wait for the day he let me in, and wait for the day we became true friends. For a while, I believed that, until his leaving.

It was hidden and with an awful finality`'。Till then did I know that, I was a little part of his time on earth, a little understanding of his physical being. I was a little piece of him. Maybe to his drought-like heart, our relationship was just a drizzle, useless and disappointing.

Time slid away from fingers while I was trying to get on with my lifc. I locked our memories in a box and put it at the bottom of my heart, pretending nobody had turned up in my life,nothing had happened.

His appearing again split my peace again. Vivid memories came flooding back from the box deep in my heart. For a while, I was vaguely conscious, it was just like there hadn't being any distance, any separation between us, and his one-year left was just an alter of eyes.

When he told me that he had found the harbor for his wondering heart, I felt like drowning in a lake, cold and breathless. He kept talking but I could not hear a word. Perhaps nobody could be immune to `' such felony.

That night, he and his true love haunted my dream. They were flying far across the fields and woods,, leaving me far behind. I ran and ran, but could not catch up. I was the one left behind.

At that time, I realized, even perfect love couldn't promise you forever, sometimes, forever means to let him go.

简短英文爱情故事:你愿意和我约会吗 篇8

Every day I anxiously wait for you to gel to class. I and say good morning. Some days, when you arrive only can't wait for us to smile at each other incredibly and listen impatient. Instead of reading the Daily Calendar, seconds before the lecture begins, I'm I anticipate your footsteps from behind for your voice. Today is one of your late days. But I don't mind, because after a month of desperately desiring to ask you out, today I am going to一Encourage me, because letting you know like you seems as risky to me as skydiving into the sea.

I know that dating has changed dramatically in the past few years, and for many women asking men out isn't at all daring. But 1 was raised in a traditional European household’where simply the thought of my asking you out spells-naughty. Growing up, I learned that men call, ask and pay for the date. During my 3 years at Berkeley, I have learned othvise. Many Berkeley women have brightened their social lives by taking the initiative、with men. My girlfriends insist it's essential for women to participate snore in the dating process. "I can't sit around and wait any more,"my former roommate once blurted out.‘Hard as it is, I have to ask guys oW if I want to date at all!"

Wonderful, more women are inviting men out, and men say they are delighted, often relieved, that dating no longer solely depends on their willingness and courage to take the first step. Then why am I digging my nails into my hand trying to muster up courage'?

I keep telling myself to relax since dating is less stereotypical and more casual today. A college date means anything from studying together to sex. Most of my peers prefer casual dating anyway because it`s cheaper and more comfortable. Students have fewer anxiety attacks when they ask somebody to play tennis than when they plan a formal dinner date. They enjoy last minute let's make dinner together“dates because they not only avoid hassling with attire and transportation but also dun't have time to agonize.

Casual dating also encourages people to form healthy friendship prior to starting relationships My roommate and he;r boyfriend were friends for four months before their chemistries clicked,they went to movies and meals and often rot together with mutual friends, they alternated paying the dinner check."He was like a girlfriend "my roommate once laughed-blushing"。 M and women relax and get to know each other more easily through such friendships. Another friend of mine believes that casual dating is improving people's social lives. When she wants to Iw a guy know she is interested. she will say, "Hey, let's go pct a yoghurt"

Who payfor it? My past tlatrs have taught me some things. You don't know if I'll get the wrong idea if you treat me for dinner,and I don't know if paying for myself. John whipped out his wallet on our first flute betore I could suggest we go Dutch.

During our full dinner stroll he told me he wa; interested in dating me on steady basis. After I explained I was more interested in a friendship. he told me he would have understood have I paid for my dinner. "I have practically ;topped treating women on dates.'"He said defensively. "It is safer and more comtbrtable when we each pay for ourselves." John has assumed that because I graciously accepted his treat, I was in love. He was mad at Himself for treating me,and I regretted allowing him to.

Larry. on the other hand. blushed when I otfercd to pay fur my meal on our first date. I unzipped my purse and Hung out my wallet, and he looked at me as if I had addressed him in a foreign language. Hesitant. I asked politely, "How much do I owe you''" Larry muttered, "uh, uh, you really don"t owe me anything, but if you insist.。."

Insist. I thought. I only offered. To Larry, my gesture was a suggestion of rejection.

Sliding into his desk, he taps my shoulde and says "Hi, Laura, what's up'?"

"Good morning”I answered with nervous chills Hey, how would you like to have lunch after class on Friday"

"You meant attcr the tnidtenn'?" he says encouragingly I'd love to go to lunch with you.

"We have a date"I smile.