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岳飞简介 篇1

Yue Fei (1103-1142), the word Pengju, Song Xiang state Tangyin County (now Henan Tangyin County), anti-gold star, the famous Chinese military strategist, strategist, calligrapher, national hero, Will be the first.

Yue Fei in the Northern Song Dynasty to invest in the army from 1128 to 1816 years up to 1141 years so far more than ten years, led by Yue Jiajun with Jin Jun carried out the size of hundreds of times fighting, invincible, "bit to the phase." 1140 years, Wanyan Wushu destroyed the League attack Song, Yue Fei captain of the Northern Expedition, has recovered Zhengzhou, Luoyang and other places, but also in Yancheng, Ying Chang defeated Jin Jun, into the town of Zhu Xian. Song Gaozong, Qin Hui is a sum and to the twelve "gold plate" ordered retreat, Yue Fei in isolation alone was forced to class teacher. Song Jin in the process and Yue Fei suffered Qin Hui, Zhang Jun, who framed, was arrested and imprisoned. In January 1142, Yue Fei to "unwarranted" and "rebellion" charges, and the eldest son of Yue Yun and the Ministry of Zhang Xian Tong was killed. Song Xiaozong when Yue Fei miscarriage of justice was vindicated, buried in the West Lake Qixia Ling. Chase posthumous Wu Mu, and later chase Zhong Zhong, Feng E Wang.

Yue Fei is the most outstanding commander of the Southern Song Dynasty, he attached importance to the people's anti-gold power, creating a "link River Shuo" of the plan, advocated the Yellow River north of the folk anti-gold army and Song Jun with each other, attack Jin Jun to recover lost ground. Yue Fei army, reward and punishment, discipline and rigorous, but also compassionate subordinates, lead by example, he led the "Yue Jiajun" known as "frozen to death, not starved to death," gold spread "shake the mountain, Difficult "comments, the expression of" Yue Jiajun "sincere fear. Yue Fei against Song Ting "only to keep the enemy, not far from the attack and win" negative defense strategy, has always advocated a positive attack to win the struggle against gold victory; he was the only organization in the early Southern Song Dynasty large-scale offensive campaign Commander.

Yue Fei's literary talent is also less handsome, his words as "full of Jiang Hong angry red crown", is the eternal passing of the patriotic famous, later generations have a collection of handed down.

岳飞主要成就 篇2


Recover lost land

See: Yue Fei Northern Expedition

Build the army

"Yue Jiajun" was the people of Yue Fei led the army's habit of calling, as Han Shizhong led the army known as "Han Jiajun", Zhang Jun led the army known as "Zhang Jiajun" in general. Du Chong down gold, Yue Fei began to become an independent army, in Jiangnan insist on resistance to gold. Yue Fei recovered Xianghan six counties, Yue Jiajun moved to Ezhou Ezhou, Xianghan region since becoming the main defense zone of Yue Jiajun. After several expansion, Yue Jiajun as long as six years of Shaoxing troops reached more than 30,000 people. Shaoxing five years (1135), Yue Jiajun scale to about 100,000 people. This is because the Yang unitary army of five or sixty thousand people are mostly incorporated into the Yue Jiajun, the Southern Song Dynasty later increased by tens of thousands of people into the Yue Jiajun's sake. Yue Jiajun later generally maintained the number of about 100,000 until Yue Fei was Song Gaozong and Qin Hui harm.

Yue Jiajun at least twelve control "army":

Back Wei army;

Former army

Right army

Chinese army


After the army

YOU Yijun

The army

Election army;

Victory Army;

Breaking the enemy

Water army

Which back Wei army is absolutely the main, the name learned from Han Shizhong's commander of the same name; tour Yi is the meaning of the tour; step white is the meaning of armed reconnaissance; other military names are the morale of the morale. According to Shaoxing nine years (1139) statistics, the 12 army by a total of 22 control, five command and 252 generals were led, including there will be, vice president and prepared to 84. Wang Guiren in the military control, Zhang Xianren former army control, the two is Yue Fei's deputy, can replace Yue Fei command other control, presided over the affairs of Yuejun Jun army; Xu Qing, Niu Gao and Dong first three most good, the five is Yue Jiajun The backbone of the characters. In addition, Yue Jiajun also has a number of civil servants, such as Xue Bute, Zhu Fu, Li Ruoxu, Hu Hong off, Huang longitudinal, Yu Peng, Sun Ge and so on.

Yue Jiajun had a god of the right vice army, the god of the army, the army after the army, after the camp and other official military command, with the passage of time, these military also withdrew from the stage of history.

Yan Zhizhi Jun

Yue Fei is a model of the ancient Chinese army, "Yue Jiajun" become a temporary model. Although he did not have military works handed down, but from its scattered in the history of the discourse in the discourse and military practice, we can see the main content of Yue Fei Yan Zhijun. Predecessors in summing up the thinking of Yue Fei's military pointed out that there are six aspects: expensive and not expensive; would like to learn; reward and punishment; order strict; serious discipline; The six aspects of the core is to Yan Zhijun.

Because Yue Fei Yan Yujun, good at the military, so "Yue Jiajun" fighting strong, "can be a hundred", Jin people also praise: "shake the mountain easy to shake the poor!" "Yue Jiajun" Generals admiration, but also for some of the followers of future generations. Such as the Ming Dynasty star Qi Jiguang also Yue Fei as an example, practiced anti-Japanese power brigade "Qi Jiajun."

Yue Fei in the war not only stressed the courage to have the spirit, but also more emphasis on the role of strategy. As early as Yue Fei for Zhang's subordinates, Zhang Su-wen Yue Yue "Yong Guan Sanjun", he asked him: "Ru can enemy geometry?" Yue Fei replied: "Yong is not enough, the troops in the first plan." He cited the Spring and Autumn "Luan branch of the firewood to defeated Jing (Chu), Mo Ao Qiao Qiao twisted" as an example, that this is "all seek also." Therefore, Yue Fei further affirmed the role of the strategy in combat. He said: "The judge of the outcome of the machine also." Therefore, the way, do not suffer from its courage, and suffer from their own. "This clearly pointed out that the strategy is the key to determine the outcome of the battle.

Yue Fei attention to the use of flexible. Song Dynasty to implement the "will be from the Royal", handsome war must be prepared in advance according to the form of action, not allowed to change. Yue Fei believes that the array has a certain limit, and combat is ever-changing, "ancient and modern different Yi, Yi Heng off-site", can not copy the array map. He said: "the military wants, is surprisingly, can not be measured, can win, if the plains of the wilderness, burst and enemy, where the whole array?" Therefore, he put forward the "battle and war, , Almost as one mind "thinking. In addition, Yue Fei also put forward the "good enemies against the beginning of its own, good enemies to go to their own by" thinking.

Reward and punishment clearly

"Freeze to kill the house, hungry do not kill captive", is the slogan of Yue Jiajun, is also a true portrayal. Damage the crops, hinder farming, the sale of injustice ... ... cut! So Yue Jiajun wherever he went, all the people all the joy of the crowd, "raise their hands, feeling mum to cry."

And the soldiers with the bitter; treat people to grace, often with the lowest of the same food with food. Soldiers injury, Yue Fei personally asked; soldiers family difficulties, so that the relevant institutions to buy more silver silk; soldiers sacrifice, thick plus pension. Lee also often condolences to the widow of the soldiers.



Yue Ge "Jin Tuo 稡 series E Wang Jiuji" included Yue Fei poems have a poem "title Tsui Yu Temple" "send floating map Huihai", the word "small heavy mountain last night cold cricket can not live Ming", inscription "Wu Yue Temple Union "Guangde Jun Jinsha Temple Inscription", "Dong Song Temple Inscription" "Yongzhou Qiyang County Day Camp Station". Song Zhao and the "Bin return" also received Yue Fei quatrains "title Qingbi Temple wall." "Man Jiang red anger red crown" in the late Southern Song Dynasty "possession of words", "He Lin Yu Lu" are recorded in the word from the Ming Dynasty began to be widely recited. In addition to the transfer of Yue Fei poem there are "full of Jiang Hong Deng Yellow Crane Tower have a sense of" "Chizhou Tsui micro Pavilion" "over Zhangxi donated Zhang" "Yu Yu are Huayan Temple" "Bao Bao song donated Wu generals southbound" Title Ma Gong "" title Poyang Longju Temple "and so on.


Yue Fei, although born from the line, but since childhood by a good traditional Chinese education, studious, civil and military. Calligraphy to line, grass-based, fun dripping, dragon tiger jump, Qiyun vivid, strict rules, meaning state precision, Fenqian Fu, bold and not soft, own a pure gas, quite Wen Chen temperament. Handed down the book "book Xie 朓 poem" "before and after the teacher" "hanging ancient battlefield" and so on.