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《呼啸山庄WUTHERING HEIGHTS英文读后感(优秀4篇)》


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《呼啸山庄》的英文读后感 篇1

Recently, I accidentally opened a book called Wuthering heights.

It tells the story of a mountain villa. Abandon baby hesclive grew up in the mountains, but because the beloved person to marry and go away from home. Three years later, hesclive reappeared and embarked on a series of revenge plans.

When I first read the book. The content is very attractive to me, but I still think the book is a bit ugly. Because it involves too much hatred. But vaguely, I still feel the beauty of it. Although I found it after a fine taste. This book, this book is very attractive to me. Its beauty is reflected in hescliffe 's constant love, reflected in the beauty of Catherine 's love and Catherine 's life misfortune.

Hesclive, though so fierce in revenge, is also because of love. Because he didn 't finish listening to that half. He thought that his lover had violated him, and his grief would never have been so.

Catherine is so unfortunate, and so lucky. Unfortunately, when she was born, her mother died of childbirth. Her mother, hersclive 's lover. Catherine was forced to marry her cousin, the half-dead man, after she accidentally knocked down hesclive. Fortunately, she met hesclive adopted, his unwillingly uncle 's children. Four years older than her cousin - hadong. She fell in love with hadong. Later, hescliffe also died of miss Catherine 's mother - Katie. Katharine took back everything that belonged to her and married her cousin, bringing nelly, the old servant, back to thrush hill, never to Wuthering heights.

The book drew a satisfactory end to it.

《呼啸山庄》英文读后感 篇2



呼啸山庄英文读后感 篇3

Wuthering Heights was written by Emily Bronte, published in 1847.But at that time, it seemed that the book was neither popular nor disliked among people, but left out by the public with only a little mixed comments. However it became famous at last, though I don’t know why; I just came across with the book in the bookstore and somehow bought and shelved it on the top of my bookshelf until the book review homework came to me. Consequently the book didn’t give me a splendid fist impression, at least not better than Jane Iyre, which is always talked about and complimented among girls. However, after reading the book, the “never judge a book from its cover”theory was deeply rooted in my heart. The meaning of“cover ”here is not only limited to the coated paper that protects the book and attracts readers, but also the public comments on the book. I seldom hear of comments on Wuthering Heights, so I thought matter-of-factly that the book would be a boring stuff; however I was totally wrong.

Wuthering Heights demonstrates us a life profile in a deformed society, the distorted humanity in this society and various dreading events resulted from it, by the hand of a tragic love story. Actually the whole plot of the story can be divided into four parts which develops gradually: The first part narrates the childhood of Catherine and Heathcliff who lived together all the time, the special feeling in the special environment between an orphan and a miss, and the revolt against the tyranny of Hindley Earnshaw. The second part focuses on Catherine betrayed Heathcliff, married Linton Edgar and became the hostess of Thrushcross Grange. In the third part, the author uses a lot of time emphasizing on how did desperate Heathcliff turn the hostility in his chest into the practical plan and action to revenge. Although there’s nothing else important except the death of Heathcliff in the last part, the revival of humanity of Heathcliff after he saw the love between young Catherine and Hareton was prominently demonstrated, which make readers feel warm and relieved after the breathtaking desperation at last. The love, hatred, revenge and humanity recovery, hence, is the essence as well as an uniting thread of the whole novel.

Emily condensed her painstaking efforts on the image portrayal of Heathcliff, to whom she placed all of her indignation, sympathy and ideal. The orphan who was exploited of all the warmth he deserved cultivated strong emotion of love and hostility in his life; the mistreatment of Hindley taught him about the cruelty of the life, as well as yielding to his miserable fate silently. However, he chose to revolt with Catherine, who was his devoted partner, an genuine love germinated between them in the proceeding of resistance. However, Catherine at last betrayed Heathcliff and married a man she didn’t love at all. The immediate cause of this tragic love story is her ignorance and vanity, as a result buried her own love, her own youth, her own life, her own Heathcliff, even almost her own children. When Emily portrays the image of Catherine, her sympathy as well as wrath was apparently expressed; she was grievous for her unfortune but angry for her flaccidity at the same time, her emotion towards Catherine was full of contradiction. The biggest turning point of the whole story is the betrayal of Catherine and her miserable life after her marriage, which turned Heathcliff’s love into engraved hatred; and this hatred exploded and became the motivation to revenge for himself after Catherine’s death. His aim achieved: not only did he tortured Hindley and Edgar until they died and monopolized two manors, but the next generation was also suffered from his flame of vengeance. The crazy abreaction of wrath and hostility seemed to contradict with common sense but expressed his extraordinary rebellious spirit which was moulded by the special environment. The tragedy of Heathcliff was a tragedy of the society as well as the whole era.

Wuthering Heights ended with the suicide of Heathcliff after his purpose of revenge had achoeved. In my opinion, his death was the last expression of his love for Catherine--at least they were together after they died. What’s more, he abandoned his plan to mistreat the next generation before his death, which showed his good nature distorted by the cruel reality. The revival of humanity illustrates Emily’s noble humanitarian ideals.

Wuthering Heights has been regarded as “the most peculiar novel” on the English literature history due to the subversion of the sentimentalism style which was popular at that time, replacing pale melancholy with strong love and violent hatred and the ruthless revenge occured from them. It is just like a special lyric poem with abundant imagination and smashing emotion, and full of artistic power to strike people’s heart.

“I am the only being whose doom, No tongue would ask no eye would mourn; I never caused a thought of gloom, A smile of joy since I was born. In secret pleasure - secret tears, This changeful life has slipped away; As friendless after eighteen years, As lone as on my natal day.” This poem from Emily Bronte perfectly demonstrates the desperate loneliness of her. Different from his sister who created a world for everyone, she created a world for herself. On the wuthering field without anyone, she was also bursting her passion and youth, like a volcano with overwhelming power. Emily never curried favor with the aesthetic orientation of the public, she was extremely sensitive but also firm and resolute as a man. There was a classic remark on her character by Virginia Woolf: “Emily was inspired by some more general conception. The impulse which urged her to create was not her own suffering or her own injuries. She looked out upon a world cleft into gigantic disorder and felt within her the power to unite it in a book.”

Emily had got a kind of power form the loneliness in her own world. She solely stood out of the square forever, viewing the whole world with her indifferent but warm eyes. The observation had given Wuthering Heights an incomparable power which made us dread, excited and moved.

“My great miseries in this world have been Heathcliffs miseries, and I watched and felt each from the beginning: my great thought in living is himself. If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger: I should not seem a part of it. My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods: time will change it, Im well aware, as winter changes the trees. My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath: a source of little visible delight, but necessary. Nelly, I am Heathcliff! Hes always, always in my mind: not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself, but as my own being.” This is the most moving part to me. The love between Catherine and Heathcliff was so incredible that they engraved themselves so deeply in each other’s spirit. Emily constantly searched for a way, a way to love over secularity and morality. The woman was doomed to be alone all her life because there would be no man can understand her splendid grief, there would be no strength can overwhelm the mysterious power from her spirit.

She was just like a hazy moonstone.

Catherine to some extent mabe the most bliss heroine. She found and was loved forever by another herself, she said,”I’m Heathcliff.”

Salute to the extraordinary Emily, as well as the extraordinary Wuthering Heights.

《呼啸山庄》英文读后感 篇4

