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如何和外国人交朋友 篇1



开始谈话 Conversation Starters

Q: You’re welcome to China. I hope you’re enjoying your stay here.


A: Thank you. I really am enjoying myself here.


Q: Where are you from?


A: I’m from America.


Q: How long have you been in China?


A: Only a few days.


Only a couple of days.


I just got here yesterday.


Q: How long are you planning to stay?


A: Two weeks.


Until the trade fair is over.


Q: Could you answer a question for me? Forget it if the question bothers you.


A: Go ahead. I don’t mind.


Ask me anything. I’m not that sensitive.


Q: Are you here on business or for pleasure?


A: I’m here on vacation. It has always been my dream to come to China.


I’m here on business. I come to China regularly. Actually, I have a factory here.


关于他们的国家 About Their Own Country

Q: Tell me something about your country.


A: America is a big and exciting country. You should come and see it for yourself someday.


Q: What is your hometown known (famous) for?


A: My hometown is well-known for oranges.


My hometown hosted the Olympics last year.


Q: Do you play any musical instruments?


A: I play guitar.


Q: What sports do you like?


A: All kinds of sports. But I like golf the best.


Q: What’s your opinion on money? / What are your thoughts on money?


A: Money is great. Money makes the world go around.

(钱是个好东西。钱使世界运转 / 有钱能使鬼推磨。)

【Kim’s Note】This question is acceptable and people will be glad to give an answer. However, it is not acceptable to ask someone what their salary is or how much money they make!

这个问题是可以接受的,学习英语的网站,而且对方会很乐意地给你答复。但是,免费英语站,要是问对方工资是多少,免费学英语网站,那就不可接受了! 关于中国、中国文化和中国人

About China, Chinese Culture, and Chinese People

Q: What was your first impression of China?


A: I was so amazed by the population. There are so many people everywhere.


Q: What do you like best about China?


A: The hospitality of Chinese people.


Q: What do you dislike most about China?


A: The pollution.


Q: What do you find interesting about the life in China?


A: There are so many people and so many differences from western culture.


Q: What cities have you been to? / Where have you been?


A: I’ve been to Beijing and Shanghai. They are very impressive.


Q: Where would you like to go?


A: I’d like to go to Xi’an and Guilin.


Q: What is your favorite place in China?


A: I have two favorite places in China. Sanya and Shanghai. Sanya in Hainan is the most beautiful beach I have ever seen. Shanghai is a very energetic and exciting city.


Q: What would you like to buy and take back from China?


A: China is so famous for its silk. I’d like to buy some for my mother.


Q: Do you think it’s difficult to make friends with Chinese people?


A: No. I think it’s very easy. Chinese people are very kind and friendly.


Q: Do you think Chinese people are less sensitive than the people in your country?


A: Yes. Chinese people are very tolerant.


Q: What makes you feel embarrassed in China?


A: I don’t like being stared at. It makes me uncomfortable.


Q: What are your suggestions regarding the development of China?


如何和外国人交朋友 篇2

1、 信守承诺。在人际交往中,"言必信,行必果"。是做人应有的基本教养。

2、 热情。在国外,人们普遍主张个性至上,反对以任何形式干涉个性独立,侵犯个人尊严。对他人过分关心,或是干预过多,则会令对方反感。所以与外国友人打交道时,既要热情友好,又要以尊重对方的个人尊严与个性独立为限。

3、 尊重隐私。与外国友人相处时,应当自觉回避对对方个人隐私的任何形式的涉及。不要主动打听外国朋友的'年龄、收入、婚恋、家庭、健康、经历、住址、籍贯,以及宗教信仰、政治见解、正在忙什么等等。

4、 不必过谦。在外国人来看,做人首先需要自信。对于个人能力、自我评价,既要实事求是,也要勇于大胆肯定。不敢承认个人能力,随意进行自我贬低的人,要么事实上的确如此,要么便是虚伪做作,别有用心。所以在与外国朋友打交道时,千万不要过分谦虚,特别是不要自我贬低,以免被人误会。

5、 女士优先。在国外,尤其是在西方国家的人际交往中,人们讲究女士优先,它要求成年的男子,在社交的场合,要积极主动地以个人的举止言行,去尊重妇女,关心妇女,照顾妇女,保护妇女,并且时时处处努力为妇女排忧解难。能够这样做的人,会被人视为教养良好。
