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词语辨析 篇1

【用法】: 作宾语、定语;指称颂岁首的吉祥话

英文解释 篇2

The spring comes in full form.;auspicious beginning of a new year;happy;lucky ;

成语典故 篇3

【出处】: 《易�泰》:“泰,小往大来,吉亨。”《宋史�乐志》:“三阳交泰,日新惟良。”

中英双语例句 篇4


So, Chinese people always say: "Three yangs bring bliss" or "three yangs meet bliss", as blessing words at the beginning of a year.


"sheep", "positive" harmonics, implication three Yang Kaitai, symbol www.propitious pleasant, is making clear the good beginning which happy end comes.