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The tempo of modern civilization has been much quickened in the last twenty years。 While witnessing the dramatic changes in the better-off society, people begin to reconsider the question of "survival"。 "Survival" in the old sense does not bother us anymore。 Instead, we are more concerned about how to "survive" in the human world full of petition。

Competition always carries abreast challenges and opportunities to everyone involved。 It might appear in an entrance exam, in a regular class, or in a small public speech。 Those who fail to detect its real nature-whether an opportunity or a challenge a petition really is- will lose something more or less conducive to our growth。 Of course, if we take the petition as an opportunity, we will favor it intentionally because they can help us outstand from the average; they will make us bee the focus of public attention; they will grant us more chances and rights to succeed。 As a matter of fact, opportunities are supposed to be more perceptible and weling than challenges。 The truth is, however, we will lose more opportunities when we choose to take the "opportunity" fork at the crossroads。 The other fork, ignored by us and defined as "fearful challenges", offers much more chances for the walker in petition。

We have such an inclination in life to overestimate ourselves and hold a thoughtless attitude towards the negative outlook of things。

We believe in the old saying, "Opportunity knocks but just once," so we always wele it and devote all our spirit and efforts to it。 The most devout believer of this saying are the graduates。 Why? There are quite a number of them who pay full attention to positions in big cities and are willing to flood into developed areas under any circumstances, even though there will be too much uncertainty for their choices。 Innumerable cases go straight to the same miserable end: God seems to refuse to help too many of His worshipers。

In conclusion, to define the quuality of petition seems to be far from valuable sense, for no matter what a petition is, an opportunity or a challenge, it will create nutritious elements for our growth。

So take a positive look at everything around。 Keep our face to the sunshine, and we will not see the shadows。


Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. The issue of the Yellow River has become the biggest concern of members of the Chinese peoples Political Consultative Conference. My childhood, in fact, is closely associated with the river. My father is an engineering geologist, and he used to take me with him on his trips to the hydropower stations on the river. I enjoyed those trips, especially the trip to Longyang Xia reservoir. Although ten years have passed since my visit, I can still recall the scenery; I can still recall the water I saw at the reservoir. It was pure, clean and blue, not like the water I saw in the middle reaches of the river, which had turned brown and muddy after passing through the Loess Plateau.

Once during our stay at the power station, we were caught in a thunderstorm. And when rain stopped, I could see trickles of water rolling down mountain slopes and flowing into the reservoir. It carried little mud or sand, because at that time, trees and grass still grew around the reservoir. And they protected the soil. At Longyang Xia I was struck by the beauty of nature, and as a child I wanted to stay there and to grow up with our Yellow River.

Li Bai, the Tang Dynasty poet, said praises to the flowing water in the Yellow River. He saw it as coming down from heaven and nurturing the people along her way to the sea. However, in 1997,for 330days, not a single drop of water from the Yellow River went into the sea. And droughts are not the only punishment by nature. A friend of my father's, a university professor, is doing research on the Yellow River. According to this professor, the Yellow River will soon change its course if we allow this situation to continue. Because there is no longer enough water to carry away the silt and mud in the lower reaches of the river and the riverbed rises higher and higher each year.

We have taken too much from nature, but given back too little in return. And this is the cost of the unbalanced growth. If we had taken care of the vegetation in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River, we would still experience the river as Li Bai described it.

While the developed countries are consuming proportionally more natural resources than the rest of the world, they've also taken some good measures in protecting nature. And as a developing country, China can learn from them in this aspect.

Last year, when I was visiting Australia with a group of Chinese students who had won prizes in an English Skills Test, our Australian hosts invited us to join them for a horse-ride in the mountains. After two hours on horseback, we reached a valley, where there was a most beautiful meadow, with flowers in all colors dotted on a huge blanket of green. When I began to praise the beauty of nature, my friends told me that in this valley, there used to be a big mine and the wastewater from the mine turned everything brown. When the mine was abandoned, people made great efforts to restore the green vegetation. They also used the latest biological technology choosing the best grass seeds suitable for the local soil. So the beautiful meadow is a result of commitment, hard work, and new technology.

What happened to this valley in Australia should also happen to our Yellow River and, in fact, it is happening. I have seen farmers planting trees on mountains along the Yellow River. I have seen them climb the mountain tops with seedlings on their shoulders because they had no machinery. I have seen them pour on trees the water they had carried up in buckets from miles down the valley. These farmers are quietly nourishing our Yellow River, just as the river has nourished them.

And these farmers, men and women I don't know, gave me the confidence that we and our Yellow River will grow together, and someday in the future, we will be able to drink the clean water from our Yellow River again, because she is our dearest mother.

Thank you


Today's speech I want to talk to my classmates about a few stories, these stories are in our side, but we have never noticed, thinking.

One night last semester, go alone to five teaching self - study. Fatigue to his eyes faint, faint yellow light trance to see a little boy shuttle between tables and chairs, those hands links to pick up the garbage in the table bucket. Looking back, his mother is holding a large woven bag, came and took the garbage. Mother and son of the shadow under the irradiation of a group of lights appear very long, repeated, fade out of the classroom. I just looked at, what seems to be thinking, so for a long time.

A small thing in life study, let me look at yourself again. His little bad habits, bring others? Shouldn't we be good young people who love school and life? How can we indulge in the erosion of negative energy on us? I have asked a few students, how don't you remember to take away the garbage generated by self-study in class? Most students are vacant answer, not someone to accept?

Some of our own little habits, little laziness. Slowly become entrenched negative energy, we didn't even notice, slowly accustomed to. Our youth, we are young, but ignorance is not synonymous with youth and youth.

Classmate, don't know if you have ever met this kind of situation, one night, you are going to carry a bag to the library to study, is shouting to let the dormitory of several other elder brothers go with you, at that time, a classmate said: " oh, boy, the sun came out to the west, you should go to the library, don't pack! " you hesitated, thinking about next week's exam, or thinking about to go to the library self-study make-up class, so, you are going to go, then another voice rang:" hurry up to open the computer, hero league open a black shop sent a person ah, how can you do without! " at this time, you silently put down the bag, opened the computer, just study the idea of abrupt was left behind ...

The word " positive energy" students are familiar with, its network meaning refers to all give people up, give people hope and pursuit, make people action motivation and feelings. As a contemporary college student, I think we should be a positive energy person, at the same time, also should make friends with positive energy, in each other's communication, let positive energy together into a larger upward force, so that college life more positive. " true, good, beautiful" has always been as a synonym for positive energy, specific to college life, positive energy also covers a lot of meaning: for example, pay attention to social welfare undertakings, to participate in social practice, let love transfer, so that their lives are sublimated; In the face of setbacks and life is not the best, to be able to persevere, with a positive attitude to face; In the study, be able to persevere, hard work, perseverance; Be a responsible person, able to understand their responsibilities, parents' expectations and social expectations. My classmates, my story is not over yet.

After that night, I often talked to my classmates about the experience, everyone also have feelings. Gradually, I found that after class we didn't leave the classroom in such a hurry, but scanned the table bucket, conveniently take their garbage. I feel a positive energy in the spread, everyone has a sunshine and beautiful heart. In the dormitory, inner remorse let me I can no longer continue to play games like this, I flatly cutting away. One day, two days, I also saw them in the study room, we smiled at each other. The original transfer of positive energy is not difficult. Young people always have all kinds of ideas, the oath of youth will always be on the lips. No matter where can reflect the vitality of our young people, and the university is a place where young people gathered most. There will be more things, and the inside of the idea will be more rich.


We, leaving ignorance ushered in our youth. Youth, let us unbridled, relaxed, appreciate the wind that freedom, feel the cloud that comfortable, because youth gives us the peak of life, we do not need to mature, we are no longer ignorant, we only persistent. Positive energy in youth. Strong energy helps me to support a firm belief, so that I am full of confidence in a challenging tomorrow.

Life is the pursuit of ideal, ideal is the indicator of life, lost the role of the lamp, will lose the courage of life. Therefore, only by adhering to the lofty ideals of life, will not be lost in the sea of life. Tolstoy will be the ideal of life is divided into a lifetime of ideal, the ideal of a stage, the ideal of a year, the ideal of a month, even the ideal of a day, an hour, a minute. When you hear this, students, do you think of your ideal?

Whose youth is not sad? Whose youth never want to give up? Who's youth without setbacks and difficulties? But, I no longer fear, I know there will be a kind of positive energy in my side, like hot sunshine warm my heart, take me to a better tomorrow. And I, will also become the positive energy of others, do my best to encourage and warm like I once helpless people.

The flower season of life is the spring of life, it is beautiful, but short. As a college student should be in this period, study hard, work hard, find a piece of their own sky. Youth is the hope of the motherland, the future of the nation. Everyone governs his own tomorrow.

One philosopher said, " the dream has gone many ways, wake up or in bed. " it vividly tells us a truth: people can't lie in the dream of ideal life. Yes, people not only want to have an ideal, but also bold fantasy, but also want to work hard to do, lying in the ideal waiting for a new start, if not only in the distant future, even have will lose. Students, are you also wandering in the dream of ideal?

Predecessors said well, " aspiring people set long ambition, no ambition people often aspire to", those who have no ambition " ambition", is a dream, is the so-called " ideal", they put their blueprint structure painted again beautiful, perfect, also is just a castle in the air, mirage. Students, are you a man of long ambition, or often determined? In the green years, whenever I am sad and confused, wandering helpless, there are always some people or things to encourage me, sending out a positive light warm me.

Be a person with positive energy, let oneself have the power to move forward. Positive energy is a powerful energy, it is bound to include a positive driving force, only in this way can make your studies, career, quality of life, etc. progress. No power is a terrible thing, just like a car without gasoline, rockets without fuel, plants no longer absorb sunlight, you will only chaos to every day, do the same thing, to this point naturally do what to do, there is no big goal and ideal. Isn't this terrible enough? Are you willing to silence like a pool of stagnant water standing still, also don't want to more power to meet the daily sun add energy? Of course not. when you have positive energy, you will naturally take your steps and be motivated to move to a new starting point.

Youth needs positive energy, positive energy will insert wings for us to fly to the vast blue sky! Finally, I want to use Liang Qichao's words to end today's speech: " young wisdom is the wisdom of the country, the rich is the rich, young strong is strong, young progress is the progress of the country, young male in the earth, the male in the earth. " let's sprinkle sweat all the way, drink all the way dusty, chew a hard, let youth continue to burn under the red flag; May every young man embrace his ideals and March on the voyage of life.


Dear friend ,whenever and wherever I think of China, I feel very much proud of my motherland. Not only because of its vast land and rich culture but also for the great changes that have been taken place here . Especially after the 20_ Beijing Olympic Games, China has emerged from its humble past to be a world power , my motherland is becoming more and more prosperous .

However , at the same time , the environmental problem is becoming more and more serious . You may still remember that "Green Olympics" is one of the three themes of Beijing 20_ Olympic Games . But there is still something that does not go with the Green Olympics in our daily life . For instance:we can always see plastic bags flying everywhere when it's windy ; illegal advertisements lying on the overbridge or the pavements look like scars of the city ; some people even go to sleep with there light on for whole night .

As a middle school student , I am proud of the prosperity of my motherland , while also worried about the environmental problems we are facing . I am eager to do something to make my motherland more beautiful , so I have already taken actions . I have put up signs asking people not to step on grasses in my school and I have helped plant trees in the park . I have also called on my classmates to help clean the nearby neighborhood on volunteering day .

One finger can not lift a small stone . It's necessary to get everybody to take actions so as to make China a powerful and strong country in the world .

My country has a bright foreground , I believe that in the future, more and more people would be proud of China just like I do. For it's not only a country of high technology and modernization, but also a country of green ideas and environmental friendliness .

I will contribute my whole life to my mother- China, and devote all my life to respond her. I wish my motherland much prosperous and strong each day , and I wish our green homeland lasting forever !

I am proud --I am a son of China!
